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19 Jul 2018 Open Experimental data

General information

F-TRACT, ATLAS Decembre 2017 v2

Contributor: Francois Tadel 0000-0001-5726-7126

Other contributors: Olivier DAVID, Francois Tadel

Institution: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inserm, CHU Grenoble Alpes, GIN

Description: Connectivity probability with associated p-values as well as features describing fibers biophysical properties, estimated from CCEP data recorded in 213 patients, in the MarsAtlas, Brodmann, AAL and MaxProbMap parcellation schemes. The CCEP features are: peak and onset latency (LatStart), amplitude, integral, duration and the velocity estimated from the onset latency and the fibers distance between the parcels. Features maps : Images representing the connectivity probablility and response features for all the regions in the MarsAtlas parcellation.

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Medicine, Computer science

seeg, epilepsy, functional tractography


F-TRACT, ATLAS Décembre 2017 2017 via Perscido-Grenoble-Alpes. Published 2018 via Perscido-Grenoble-Alpes

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