arrow_back Championship Value Prediction 1 Secret Traces
General information
Contributor: Arthur Perais
Institution: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, TIMA
Description: The following traces are 2013 'secret execution' traces that were generated for the Championship Value Prediction 1 ( that took place with the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2018. There traces contain instructions executed by ARMv8 workloads of interest to CPU design. The traces only contain partial information and are anonymized, in the sense that the program from which a given trace was generated is not available. All traces used in CVP-1 were released to the public domain after CVP-1. This release contains : - ./secret_traces : 2013 traces containing 100M instructions (for most), known as the 'secret traces'. Additional information about how to use the traces and the trace format is provided in the README.
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Computer science
computer architecture
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Perais, Arthur (2023) Championship Value Prediction 1 Secret Traces [Data set] Published via PerSCiDO.