Dataset submission

You are about to submit a new dataset. The PerSciDo web interface will guide you to describe the datasets that you want to share. You can specify the conditions under which you allow other people to upload them. You are encouraged to choose a Creative Commons license to communicate which rights of re-use you allow for your datasets.

Get ready to submit a new dataset by preparing the following information before accessing the input web interface:

  • The list of all the contributors accountable for the dataset (by default, you will be considered as the only contributor)
  • The HAL, DOI or URL of publications related to the dataset (optional but recommended)
  • The citation that you want for the dataset (optional but recommended)
  • A read-me file that should contain enough explanations on the organization of the data files for their reuse by other researchers (mandatory to finalize the submission)
  • A .zip archive that contain the data files and possibly additional files useful to apprehend the dataset
GDPR Be aware that you are responsible for the General Data Protection Regulation compliance of your dataset.